A glamorous paradise

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Do you also love staring at the sunset or sunrise?

I remembered how eager and excited I am everytime the clock hits 6 o’clock in the morning and 5:30 in the afternoon because those specific time is the chance that I will have a glimpse of the glamorous paradise, the sunrise in the morning and the sunset in the evening.

I’m just a girl who loves to write what’s going on in her mind while watching the paradise, the scenery of tomorrow and a new beginning.

They said sunset means “goodbye” that’s why they feel sad everytime they hear the word sunset but little did they know that there’ sunrise that gives hope for another tomorrow, for another chance to continue the life that you almost give in.

The sunset may represent a painful goodbye and a painful past but sunrise will make you realize that there’s hope that you should see on the brighter side.

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typos and grammatical errors ahead omygosh!!

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