๐ โงโห โ fall in love with someone who will take care of even the most chaotic parts of who you are
`โฆ ห ึดึถึธ ๐โน fall in love with someone who will take care of you not in materialistic way, but rather, fall in love with someone who will take care of your soul ๐ โงโห โ
sometimes courage is as simple as opening your eyes in the morning `โฆ ห ึดึถึธ ๐โน
`โฆ ห ึดึถึธ ๐โน congrats on waking up today, for courage is in the little things
.ยฐ เผ๐งโ๐โหเท one day you will meet someone who will break down your walls and stare into the depths of you
for the deep feelers
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