Kaeden Yeager added new photos to random pieces ?️
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It's almost afternoon, what a great time, a few hours more and I will appear again. I prepared myself, I wanted to shine bright this night, I wanted to see a lot of people staring at me in awe again, I wanted to see a lot of people taking photos of me, that sounds exciting!

I am imagining what will happen this night when a ball of light appeared, almost making me blind.

"Luna," my eyes are still adjusting in the contrast but I know who called me, but it is impossible. He's not here, he can't be here. "Luna," the voice said my name again, making me feel my goosebumps.

When my eyes finally adjusted to the light he's giving, I almost cried, there he is, my light. "You, you can't be here!" I reached for his hand but I can't "I can't touch you!" I said in panic.

"We can't, you know it," he smiled, yes I remembered, we really can't "but atleast you saw me," he said in a joking manner.

I stared at him, its been a long time since we saw each other, but his face, even if it takes a lot of time to see him again, I won't forget it.

"How are you?" I fidget my fingers, not knowing what to say.

I heard a chuckle which made me look at him "I miss you," that is when I cried.

This is the only time we got to be with each other, without touching of course. I smiled at him "I forgot that we will meet this time," "I said I miss you, Luna".

I blushed and looked around, and that's when I saw people looking at us in awe, more that I ever saw before. They were looking at us like we are the perfect thing they ever saw, the adoration, the amusement, the tears that swelled in their eyes, that's the time when I really felt it is all real, that me and my sun collided again.

"I guess you're still not used with those people huh?" I turned my head on his side again when he talked, "yeah, I still do."

We looked at each others eyes, we both smiled and I know we both wanted to touch each other.

We can't, that is the hardest thing. He's in daytime, while I'm lighting the dark. He's everything that everyone needs while I am loved. He's the sun and I am the moon. We both light the world but still, we are the total opposite of each other. We rarely meet but people stare at us in awe whenever we collide.

I am moon and his my sun, this is our eclipse.

🖋️ Mr. kaed.
plagiarizing others works is considered as a crime.
photo is not mine.
