Beyond Boundaries

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BL Poem - Poetry
A story of two lovers who chose to fight despite of the challenges they faced.

Beyond Boundaries

By Nicolo Rye Helga-Fore


In whispered words, their dreams take flight,

Hand in hand, through darkest night.

Their love a beacon, burning bright,

In each other's arms, they find delight.


In whispers soft, they find solace deep,

In each other's arms, their hearts do keep.

Through whispers shared, their love they steep,

In tender moments, their souls do leap.


In whispers shared beneath the moon's soft glow,

Their love blooms brightly, a radiant show.

Through whispered secrets and tender sighs,

They find solace in each other's eyes.


Against the odds, they fiercely fight,

Their love a flame, forever alight.

In quiet moments, their hearts unite,

Their love story, a radiant sight.


Through gentle touches, they redefine,

The essence of love, pure and kind.

In their embrace, they both unwind,

Their love enduring, one of a kind.


In tender kisses, they find insight,

Their love, a symphony, played just right.

Through highs and lows, their love takes flight,

In each other's gaze, they find their might.


In shared secrets, they take flight,

Their love a song, pure and bright.

Through stormy seas, their love ignites,

In each other's love, they find their light.


With every heartbeat, their love excites,

Their bond unbreakable, through the night.

In a world of doubts, their love shines bright,

Two boys in love, a beautiful sight.


In stolen glances, their love's decree,

Two souls entwined, forever free.

Against the current, they choose to be,

In love's embrace, they find their glee.


Through trials faced, they stand as one,

Their love enduring, like the sun.

In each other's eyes, the battle's won,

Their love story, forever spun.


Hand in hand, they defy the norms,

Their bond unbreakable, weathering life's storms.

With courage and pride, they blaze their trail,

In their love story, strength will prevail.


Their laughter echoes in the breeze,

As they navigate life's winding seas.

With every challenge, they grow stronger still,

Together they conquer, with iron will.


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