How to earn money using RPW?

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In this toturial base on my experience, I invite people to join on by using my affiliate link to earn 19% every purchase on pro package...

This is perfect for you to earn passive income while at home Role play world provide a affiliate partner which is you can earn by sharing or invite your friends to join and buy pro package on rpw.

If you are a influencer is easy to earn for you follow this steps 

  1. Register a Role play world or use the app (Download here)
  2. Go to general settings find the My affiliate or follow this link (My Affiliate)
  3. Copy the link
  4. Post it on your social media platform like Tiktok, Facebook
  5. Done

Every user will register on your affiliate link and buy pro package you will earn 19% commission

How we calculate the Commission?

Pro package list with earning
VIP  =  499 x 19% = 94.81
Ultima = 299 x 19% = 56.81
Hot = 199 x 19% = 37.81
Star = 99 x 19% = 8.91

After the user sign up and buy pro package your commission will automaticaly on your wallet and it will be withdrawable.

I hope this blog can help you, Comment if you have a questions.

Loki 14 w

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