Dear, fellow people.. Especially to the ones who's having a hard time and a tired lifes. I have something to say to you, alright?.. Look whatever you've been going through i wish you some perfect lives and don't every listen to those people who always says bad things and shit? Yea, don't. You deserve.. And you matter, you always did. You're perfect just the way you are, if you're planning to like.. Commit or anything?.. Just don't do it, please? You still have stuff and moments to go, you can't give up. You can do this, get up and cheer up. Don't every think of yourself the bad way, you did everything you could, and you did great doing it, you've done enough. So it's time for some other people to help you, even if you're having a family problems? Insecurities?.. Whatever your family or other people says about you, ignore it.. And they're wrong. They're wrong for not understanding and listening to what you guys have been going did your best to get higher grades.. You did your best to try and listen.. You did everything you could do.. And remember, other people still loves you. There's still lots of other people who loves you and supports you, don't ever think that you don't have one anymore, because the truth thing is... You do. And for the guys who cries? It's okay.. Just let it out.. Even if you cry or anything? doesn't make you look weak.. You're still strong.. And for the girls who.. Likes to protect their lovers.. Families or even friends?..that doesn't mean you're some type of.. Goofy.. Bad girl or whatever they call means that you're just trying your best what's good for your own family.. Especially yourself, but we all know some people fakes it.. But for the ones who's going through stuff like this? I wish you all.. A good luck and a happy life, don't ever look down on yourself. You matter. Remember that. Laters gators.
Jai Shrun 36 w