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un impromptu d'un individu qui ne peut plus être caché.

I'm not really sure what I can do in this circumstance. It appears never-ending, as if there is no good in this world at all. Even on my worst days, they would all eventually leave me. It gets tougher for me to think positively the more I consider it. The more I remind myself that nothing lasts forever. The more I vowed, "nothing/no one will stay until the end of the day," the more I did so.


I'm giving up—better yet, I surrender. Really, nobody's life was ever simple. Many folks have it tougher than I do. Do my emotions really matter? Or am I merely exaggerating? How long will I remain this way? How long will I keep telling myself that this is acceptable? When am I expected to realize that I'm doing well? FOUR YEARS HAVE PAST. Why did they claim healing comes with time? I did think so, but after years of hardship? No way, no way. 
