⁰³_¹⁵_²⁴: ᶠʳⁱᵈᵃʸ

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????????! ?????? ?????!


At 4:30 a.m., I woke up. When I picked up my phone, one of my "girlfriends" had left me a message. I asked her what had occurred since I could tell she was upset about something (you know who you are, sweetheart, chuckles quietly).


Her: "I'm simply upset over something I saw online, that's all!"


I have a rough bet that she's reading BL manga, but it could also be that she's doing her schoolwork, making some sketches again, or she's just been grouchy and sh*ts. Anyway, it's just a hunch, but I feel like she hasn't gotten any sleep at all.


Nothing new, same as before, but it made me grin because it's been a while since I've had a message this cute.


I'm going to take a walk now. I changed into some grey sweatpants and a grey hoodie because it's cold. I accessorized with flip-flops and a white hat. I'm completely monochromatic, hehe. My entire outfit, from outerwear to innerwear, is gray, as I discovered today. I laughed so hard. Identify the year's color, please.


I ran into one of my neighbors, who has a laundry business close to my apartment, while out for a stroll. Thus, I greeted him with a "hi" as he waved his hand and grinned broadly.

Nothing bad could possibly happen, is it? Seeing a sincere grin, taking a stroll in peace, and having to travel during a less crowded time.


Unfortunately, the Sunleaf Café that I first went to is still closed. After giving it some more thought, I discovered this strange café known as Crazy Café. It is the name, indeed. I burst out laughing. Since this is my first time at the building, I even tried asking the manong guard, whose work is on the fifth level, but he was completely silent. I burst out giggling. He is too tired to be wasting time with anyone.


Then, without stopping to think, HAHAHAHAH, I went into the elevator and hoped in a faint prayer that I was in the right place. As anticipated, the café was present. However, the café itself isn't bad at all. Still, I guess it's best to visit there early in the morning and around nightfall. The employees are pleasant and kind. They gave me a lively and happy greeting! That's the ideal way to begin the day, isn't it?


I've taken a peek around and saw that there are already several customers. With me included, there are maybe ten people. Some of them recently finished their work. Others were students munching their hot bread and sipping their morning coffee.

I ordered a cheezy burger and an iced caramel macchiato for breakfast while I waited for my turn. I made my way directly to the rooftop, which houses the VIP lounge. A quiet study and work space for individuals seeking it. Bravo to the owner!


It was worth it all because of the breathtaking view from the top, the brisk breeze, and the kind smiles of everyone around me.

However, as soon as I settle into my chair, I'm struck with reality. I laugh and smile all throughout the day. However, I still feel so empty. Have you ever found yourself dealing with the kind of devastating emotion when you wonder what exactly those feelings are? But you're at a loss as to why that is happening, and you couldn't figure it out.



You feel lost and empty because everything around you is black and white. You merely find yourself observing and starring at strangers while being unable to speak a word. Your lips are sealed and you're at a loss for words. Everything is barren. So dry and empty.

I just decided to take my meal and coffee home because I felt so restless and depleted all of a sudden.


What an odd feeling.

What an odd day it has been.



